
Vegan Cuts June Snack Box Review

A good month or so ago (I've been super busy!), I was luckily enough to be emailed by Vegan Cuts and asked to review one of their snack boxes*. If you haven't already heard of Vegan Cuts, they are a company that provide monthly subscription boxes filled with amazing vegan snacks, or beauty products, depending on your preference. I filmed a ingredients review of their August 2014 beauty box last year - which you can see here - so I was super excited to receive some lovely new products from them. Especially considering that this time they were edible...

Unfortunately, after receiving the box, I almost completely forgot that I was meant to be doing a review. I was sure to take a picture immediately after it arrived, but I then proceeded to eat most of the snacks without making note of what they were or how I liked them. Wow Katie, super blogger skills. That's a compliment on their part though, right?

One thing I did notice about the snack box - in comparison to alternative vegan snack boxes - is that it was literally filled to the brim. You can see from the picture that the box was bursting with delicious vegan snacks which makes it extremely good value for money. In the US, a single snack box is just under $20 including delivery which is pretty much on point. I will note however that outside of the US, the value is not so good. A UK customer can expect to pay around $35 (£22) including shipping which is bummer considering that a lot of the products aren't available in the UK when you want to restock. In spite of this, let's get on to how delicious the snacks were! Here are the three highlights:

These were super yummy and especially satisfying seeing so I've been seriously craving jelly beans over the last few weeks. Most main market jelly beans contain beeswax, but of course these are 100% vegan. My only complaint is that the packet they came in was WAY too small. Still craving those jelly beans. :-(

Again, these satisfied a craving that I've been suffering with for a while. I'm not even a huge fan of chocolate cookies but these were really nice. They were a cute small bitesize which was perfect for a quick sweet snack at the work desk. However I'm not finding that I'm missing these as much as I just found out that I can eat Fox's dark chocolate cookies (amazing).

These may have been bright green and not the most appetising looking things, but they were definitely yummy. They have the perfect amount of spice which is cleverly offset by the sourness of the lime. These were incredibly moreish and I zoomed through the packet in about ten seconds. If I could source just one of these products in the UK, it would be these. Or maybe the jelly beans. Or maybe these. Hm. 

Find out more about Vegan Cuts here. Have you tried one of their boxes?