September has always been the month of change. Whether it's the return of a brisk chill in the air or the turning of the leaves, it's always brought with it a sense of worry and anticipation. For me, September has brought with it many changes, many mundane, but also many personal. On the last day of August, I left the comfort of a stable job with excitement-- ready for the countdown to university and the countdown to a Berlin trip, a couple weeks previous. I had originally anticipated wasting my time with relaxation, blogging and reading. However, I have instead been left busy and tired, having picked up a part time job a lot quicker than I had expected. Both blogging and relaxation has been put to the wayside. Leaving the regularity of the 9-5 for shift work has left me exhausted and frankly, disorganised. Blogging itself has become more of a chore, than a hobby as it once was. Now that I am being sent PR samples, I am finding it hard to keep up with regular postings, and I'm finding it even harder to stay motivated, let alone inspired.
I have been finding solace in reading, and have once again reminded myself where my true passion lies. The multi-faceted characters and beautifully detailed worlds that I have been experiencing, have ignited an old excitement, one that makes me want to write and share with others. "Booktube" has created a monster within myself, a monster that has managed to acquire a grand total of 12 books within the first week of September. I want to read them, enjoy them and then share them with as many people as possible.
This blog is not going to vanish, but it shall be going through changes, along with myself. Expect less beauty posts, and more posts centred around my life, my loves and my books (with the occasional cleanser and lipstick). Of course, I just want to quickly thank all of the lovely girls and friends that I have met because of the green beauty community. I'm not running away, just developing myself. I'll still be doing the occasional beauty post, but I'm not going to keep myself to any schedule or theme within my blog or Youtube channel (obviously need to do a book haul at some point). In spite of this, I do have some beauty reviews/posts that I need to publish first so look out for those!
Sorry for the ramble-heavy post, but I feel like I sometimes stifle myself within blogging and I just want to write and talk about everything that I love, not just beauty products.