
The Blog-iversary

So today is actually my blog's one year anniversary. Which is crazy. I haven't been blogging green for that whole length of time, but dang am I proud that I've actually managed to keep to some level of activity for an entire 365 days. I'll be the first to admit that 'consistency' is not one of my strongest attributes, but I'd like to think that I've managed to make the last year even a tad more interesting for my readers.

I am planning to do a giveaway to celebrate this monumental occasion, however, I unfortunately do not have the time (or money) to do that right at this very moment. Therefore, I have decided to hold a major giveaway in the new year to give thanks to all my lovely subscribers, on here, and on Youtube. You better stay tuned for that. :-)

So... what would you like to win? And more importantly, what would you like to see on Katie Vibes in 2015?